we gave her this ribbon wand that she loved to wave around.
Owen also loved the ribbon wand, but couldn't figure out how to wave it around without hitting Amelia on the head.
Here is Amelia trying to hit herself on the head with the wand - I think she got hit with it so many times she figured that's what it was for.
Every year on their birthdays, I write down a list of their favorites. Here's Claire's from this year:
- color: pink
- movie: Barbie Diamond Castle and Enchanted
- food: pizza and Alfredo sauce with noodles
- song: I Love to See the Temple
- watching Word Girl on PBS
- playing Word Girl games on the computer
- going to gymnastics
- and, of course, Sprinkles (her little stuffed giraffe she has loved since she was about 4 months old)
Happy Birthday, Claire.
we love you SOOOO much
I didn't know you have a blog?! I was on Sara Tolmans and saw your name. So I clicked and sure enough here you are! Cute blog by the way.
I hope Claire had a fabulous birthday!!
Wow. 5 already? Weren't we just pregnant together??? She is so beautiful in her crown. And her and Alexis have very similar favorite things. We had considered coming up this weekend actually because Greg had time off work. But with gas prices and the fact I just put plane tickets to Alaska on our credit card, I decided maybe not now. Plus you don't need a pregnant woman sprinting to your bathroom every morning! Maybe next summer or next fall though. Or maybe you guys can get the chance to come this way. We miss you!
How fun! I love the crown! :) Every girl needs at least one tiara! -S
Got here from Sarah Tolman's-- glad I found you! Happy birthday Claire!! I love the ribbon Wand too, and the tiara!
I'm just so happy that Claire and Sprinkles are still together. Somehow that makes it bearable that I have not seen you guys in so dang long.
We ate too much Candy Corn tonight. In honor of Dave, of course.
Missin' ya.
By the way, check out some crazies we got involved in...
So wish you were here for it.
Hey Jody, love to see the updates on your family. Your kids are beautiful. You have a middle child just like me. He got a t-ball bat and ball set one year and I think he accidentally hit more people then balls.
Love ya lots, Michelle
Just got back from a costume party at the Leingang's house. Lonnie was wondering if I ever heard from you all, and I told him about your family... All the fun things I know from your blog! Anyway, we were all stunned that "Baby Claire" is now 5. I know, I know, everyone says time flies. But it really does. Such a sweet girl, that Claire of yours. :)
I found it! I found your blog from Lauras! Sweet. Glad to hear you had another girl. Your kids are so cute and grown. May I add you to my blog?
It will be fun to keep in touch. Do you miss Alaska? Like I kindof do?
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